AHMED HELP NETWORK LIMITED is a local Non-Governmental Organization
(NGO) registered with the NGO Bureau of Uganda.
Our areas of operation are principally in the Districts of Central Uganda, Eastern
Uganda, Western Uganda and West Nile. The Company shall operate in the selected
Districts of TORORO (Eastern), BUSHENYI (Western), NEBBI & PAKWACH (West
Nile) and Kampala Central (Central Uganda).
A Social Non-governmental organization with a
capacity and well able to mobilize resources to deal with these challenges and
positively change socio-economic lives of the population in a sustainable way, hence
contributing towards poverty reduction
We supporting orphans by giving them free school bursaries, shelter, food, clothes,
counseling etc.
and creating awareness among leaders and members of the selected communities
about the plight of vulnerable people with the view to create will and
commitment to help these special group of people
By addressing these fundamental needs, we restore hope and create pathways for these children to li
By sharing real-life stories and highlighting the needs of these individuals, we inspire action and
while mosques provide spaces for worship and moral development, ensuring individuals grow with stron
These initiatives help prevent disease outbreaks and create healthier living conditions for communit
are principally in the Districts of Central Uganda, Eastern
Uganda, Western Uganda and West Nile. The Company shall operate in the selected
Districts of TORORO (Eastern), BUSHENYI (Western), NEBBI & PAKWACH (West
Nile) and Kampala Central (Central Uganda).
These initiatives help prevent disease outbreaks and create healthier living conditions for communit
while mosques provide spaces for worship and moral development, ensuring individuals grow with stron
health workshops, and support systems, we address the stigma and encourage preventative measures whi
By addressing these fundamental needs, we restore hope and create pathways for these children to li
Lack of deliberate programs that address the problems facing the widows
and widowers, the disabled and the elderly.
Districts of Central Uganda, Eastern Uganda, Western Uganda and West Nile
Phone: +256
Email: [email protected]/
Help Us Change the Lives of Children in World