Ahmed Help Network Limited is a Social Non-governmental organization with a capacity and well able to mobilize resources to deal with these challenges and positively change socio-economic lives of the population in a sustainable way, hence contributing towards poverty reduction.
. In order to realize this, various community strategic interventions and activities by mobilizing community participation and measures, have been put in place, with a view to empower people and communities in a situation of poverty, illiteracy, distress due to illness and social exclusion by overcoming barriers and the expression of the full potential, to identify people in difficult circumstances, thus create awareness among leaders and members of the selected communities about the plight of vulnerable people with the view to create will and commitment to help these special categories of people attain their potentials.
Our Mission
We committed to empowering vulnerable individuals and communities
Ahmed Help Network Limited is committed to empowering vulnerable individuals and communities by mobilizing resources, fostering community participation, and implementing sustainable strategies that address poverty, illiteracy, social exclusion, and health-related distress. We strive to create opportunities for people to overcome barriers, unlock their full potential, and improve their socio-economic well-being.